Our valuation background ensures the accuracy of what we deliver, and we are more than qualified to handle your property requirements. Discover in more detail how we can help you with your next project.
A free service that will maximise the sale price of your property and prevent you from making costly mistakes
Secure the best property at the lowest price, leveraging our extensive valuation and industry experience
Securing substantial A Grade commercial property for investors & owner occupiers along the Eastern Seaboard
Learn MoreWho We Help
McRae Property has a set of skills which no other Buyers' Advocate can match.
We are Qualified Valuers and of course, fully licensed Real Estate Agents. Our principals, David McRae and John Sommers, have a combined Valuation career of over 60 years in the Melbourne area and have been acting as buyers advocates for clients since the early 1980's.
Based on established valuation principles we will provide you with accurate advice as to a properties current fair market value. When buying a property, if you are uncertain of its true value, how can you determine where to start a negotiation and where to stop? How can you know that you are buying well?
Contact Us
Make an enquiry and a McRae Property member will call you back in the next 48 hours.

South Yarra, Victoria 3141

At McRae Property, we guarantee that your Buyers’ Advocate will be one or both of our very experienced principals. Each of our clients is treated the same, whether you are buying a $400,000 apartment or a $6,000,000 house.